What is HARMAA?
The blog is produced by the multidisciplinary working group HARMAA: Indirect Philosophy as a Form of Resistance – How to Reinforce Individual Agency in the “Post-Truth” Era? The project is funded by Kone Foundation and currently affiliated with the University of Helsinki.
HARMAA investigates the intertwining of deceit, self-deception and sense of agency in our time.
In addition to the scholarly research produced in the group, HARMAA experiments with philosophical and artistic expression in order to open up a space of “thinking with” rather than going along with the antagonistic mode of interaction typical of our time. The results of these experiments are published in this blog.
Erika Ruonakoski (project director, philosopher)
Joonas Martikainen (philosopher)
Pauliina Mäkelä (illustrator and visual artist)
Irina Poleshchuk (philosopher)
Jaakko Vuori (philosopher)
Indirect Philosophy
Indirect philosophy refers to an alternative way of practicing philosophy: the goal is not so much to argue for or against a particular view but to problematise different aspects of topical questions and, with the help of the dialogue form, philosophical essay and novel combinations of visual expression and writing, to facilitate the reader’s personal engagement in philosophical thinking.
Finnish word for grey.
“Harmaa” is often thought of as an “in-between” colour, as unnoticeable, a “nobody’s land”, a mixture of two opposites, black and white.
The views expressed in the blog entries are those of individual contributors.
The Agatha Christie Series and The Pandemic Calendar are related to Erika Ruonakoski’s earlier project Despair and Time, which was likewise funded by Kone Foundation.
Design and images: Pauliina Mäkelä © All rights reserved